Great Oakley Conservation Area Appraisal

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Great Oakley Conservation Area Appraisal

Great Oakley Conservation Area Appraisal

Representation ID: 46

Received: 26/02/2024

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

We welcome the production of these appraisals for the five named Conservation Areas which set out clear, robust and achievable proposals for their conservation and enhancement.

Unfortunately, our capacity and existing commitments dictate that we are unable to comment on all the proposed appraisals in fine detail, but a review of the five documents shows they are clearly laid out, well written and nicely illustrated using photographs, other illustrations and cartography.
General Comments

We are pleased to see that Historic England’s guidance notes for the Historic Area Assessment and Conservation Area Appraisal process (which can be found here: HE Advice Note 1 - conservation area designation, appraisal and management, and here: have been referenced and made use of.

We are also pleased to note that all the appraisals include a management plan to help guide the future conservation and enhancement of the areas. Management plan should contain clear, detailed, specific and achievable aims and objectives, setting out priority actions and long-term goals for management, including for any heritage at risk or areas that detract from the character and appearance of the area.

It is positive to note that the management plans reference use of Article 4 Directions to help manage inappropriate change, such as the insertion of UPVC windows, in Conservation Areas, and all consider how CIL or Section 106 monies could be targeted for enhancements within the conservation area.

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