Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan - Focused Consultation

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Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan - Focused Consultation

Schedule of Proposed Significant Changes

Representation ID: 66

Received: 04/03/2024

Respondent: Lichfields

Representation Summary:

Whilst Latimer is supportive of the direction of travel of the Examiner’s Schedule of Proposed
Significant Changes to the Ardleigh NP, previous representation concerns remain about the NP not
providing absolute clarity in that is does not apply to the TCBGC. It is Latimer’s view that the changes
do not go far enough. The principle issue is that the NP must be definitive in policy text (not just
supporting text) stating the policies within it do not apply to the TCBGC and that the emerging DPD and
adopted Site Allocation should be the guiding policy framework. Should the Schedule of Proposed
Significant Changes and draft NP be amended in line with the comments above, Latimer’s concerns
would be addressed and in Latimer’s view would bring the NP in line with Basic Condition (e).

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