Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan - Focused Consultation

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Ardleigh Neighbourhood Plan - Focused Consultation

Schedule of Proposed Significant Changes

Representation ID: 73

Received: 05/03/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services Limited

Representation Summary:

Anglian Water is pleased to note that the SEA recognises the environmental designations for Ardleigh Reservoir (Local Wildlife Sites) and the reference to the Tendring Local Plan Policy PPL 13 Ardleigh Reservoir Catchment Area.

Whilst this consultation is focussed on the SEA/HRA screening, NPPF changes, and the examiner's changes to policies we raise a specific concern regarding Policy LGP Local Green Spaces. The area identified as GS05 adjacent to Ardleigh Reservoir is proposed as local green space and includes land owned by Anglian Water as well as a third party landowner. We object to the proposed GS05 (Map 4) designation and request that the area of land owned by Anglian Water is excluded from the designation.

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