Statement of Community Involvement

Ended on the 4 March 2024

1. Introduction

1.1 One of the aims of the national planning system is to strengthen community and stakeholder involvement, encouraging people to participate in the development of their local community. To help achieve this Councils are required to prepare a 'Statement of Community Involvement' (SCI) – a public statement that lets communities and stakeholders know when and how they can be involved in both the preparation of planning policy documents such as the Local Plan and the consideration of applications for planning permission.

1.2 The objectives of the SCI are to:

  • make sure the consultation process is understood;
  • explain how the Council intends to enhance community involvement in planning;
  • ensure that residents and other stakeholders know when and how they can get involved in the production of the Local Plan and other planning documents;
  • ensure that residents and other stakeholders know when and how they can get involved in the consideration of planning applications;
  • improve the way that we consult and, in particular, make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be included, recognising the different needs of different audiences;
  • demonstrate that the Council is able to resource the community involvement proposed;
  • show how community involvement with planning will be linked to other community involvement initiatives; and
  • explain how the SCI will be monitored and reviewed in the future.

1.3 Throughout the planning process, the Council welcomes comments and suggestions. Residents and other stakeholders can do this through the formal consultation processes which are the subject of this guide. They may also wish to raise matters or discuss ideas with their local ward councillor at any time who can then raise matters directly with the Council or other organisations on their behalf. Town and Parish Councils are a further source of advice and assistance. Details of all the Tendring District Council ward councillors and Town and Parish Councils can be found on the Council's website

1.4 Although the Council promotes community involvement in the planning process and more widely through our adopted Communications Strategy and Community Engagement Strategy, it is important to note that because of the range of people, organisations and community interests that changes to the local environment can affect, it will often be difficult to find solutions that will satisfy everyone. The Council also has to take into account available resources and government policies and legislation which apply to all Councils across the country; including the government's policy in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to boost, significantly, the supply of new housing. Getting involved in the planning process will therefore not always guarantee that your views and ideas will be agreed, but the Council does promise to listen and seriously consider all comments and suggestions that are put forward.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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