Call for Sites

Ended on the 18 March 2024


The Tendring District Local Plan 2013 – 2033 and Beyond was formally adopted by the Council in two sections – Section 1 in January 2021 and Section 2 in January 2022. The purpose of the Local Plan is to deliver sustainable development and coordinated provision of housing, jobs and infrastructure whilst best protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment. In order for its policies to be considered up to date, the Local Plan must be reviewed and updated where necessary at least every five years.

On the 20th December 2023, the Council’s Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee agreed to commence the review of the Local Plan and to run an initial ‘Call for Sites’ consultation exercise, inviting landowners, developers, planning agents and others to put forward sites, ideas and proposals for the Council’s consideration as options as part of the Local Plan review process.

The updated Local Plan will need to cover a period of 15 years from its anticipated date of adoption and will extend to the year 2041. This means there will be a need to consider the requirement for further housing and employment land and other forms of development and to make provision for additional land for those purposes. Whilst it is anticipated that some of the developments in the current Local Plan (particularly the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community and the Hartley Gardens development in Clacton) will contribute significantly to meeting any longer-term requirements, there could still to be a residual requirement (yet to be determined) that could require further land allocations.

This ‘Call for Sites’ is a focussed consultation to invite proposals and suggestions for housing and mixed-use developments of different scales, commercial development, community-led or environment-led proposals for community facilities, habitat creation and open space.

Submitting a site as part of this consultation will not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for development, and every site submitted will need to be assessed to determine whether they are suitable, available and achievable for development or for environmental improvements before potential options are developed for the updated Local Plan. The outcome of these assessments will help inform the Council’s consideration of potential options and the availability of land across the District for different forms of development.

Please provide as much detail as possible in your submission, including a location map. We will contact you if we require further information.

Some of the information you provide will be made available to the public, such as your name and details of the site, however we will not publish your address or contact details. More information about how we process your data can be found in our Privacy Notice

The 'Call for Sites' will run from Monday the 5th February and will close at 5PM on Monday the 18th March 2024.
The easiest and quickest way to submit your site is by using our online form:

Call for Sites form

Please click on the blue icon to the left to open the Call for Sites form 

Alternatively, you can download and print a PDF form and return it to Planning Policy, Tendring District Council, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO15 1SE.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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